štvrtok 27. apríla 2017

#fanaticalbirdmarch časť druhá

Vôbec netuším, prečo som toto tak zanedbala. Posledný príspevok som mala v polke marca a teraz je už zrazu aj koniec apríla. Mám čo doháňať veru. (A pritom je to tak ideálny článok, keď sa mi nechce nič písať. A o to lepšie a jednoduchšie, keď to vkladám takto priamo.)
Snáď sa budú páčiť :)

✨ MARCH BOOK CHALLENGE ✨ Here it is - @littleliterarybird & my March book challenge 🎉 We'd LOVE for you to join us! 📚😍💕💭💜 • So as I said in my story - we are combining our March book challenge with a BOOK CLUB 🎉 This months book is Caraval & basically, all you need to do is read Caraval by March 30 😍🎉📖 NOTE: You can still participate even if you don't read #Caraval 😘💕 We've made the prompts generic enough that EVERYONE can participate! 😘📖🎉👌🏼 • Remember to tag all your photos with #FanaticalBirdMarch so we can stalk them! 🙊😍🎉💕 • Also - each week @littleliterarybird & I will choose our favourite two entries & they will get a shoutout on both of our pages (so four favourites altogether) 📖👌🏼💕🎉 ANNNNND, at the end of the month @littleliterarybird and I will choose 2 winners to receive a #bookdepository credit of $15AUD each! 🎉📚😍🙌🏼✨ • Rules to win BD credit: ✨ Must be following both @littleliterarybird & @fanatical.fantasy ✨ Book Depository must ship to your country ✨ Open to bookstagrammers & individuals 🎉 ✨ Tag your pics with #FanaticalBirdMarch to be in the draw to win! ✨ Note: you don't have to post an entry every day to win the BD credit (but it would help your chances of winning)! • WE CANT WAIT TO SEE YOUR PICTURES!!! 🎉😍❤️ * * * * * #bibliophile #bookish #bookstagram #bookchallenge #booktag #booklove #booklover #bookaholic #igreads #epicreads #epicbooks #goodreads #igbooks #bookworms #booknerdigans #bookobsessed #instabooks #fanaticalfantasy #bookhoarder #bookcover #bookart #bookphotography #fantasy #literature #circus #bookclub #bookdragon
Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa elli • australia • bibliophile (@fanatical.fantasy),

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Martina (@mata.books),

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Martina (@mata.books),

#fanaticalbirdmarch day 21: Book tower . ..💭 What are you currently reading? . . I'm reading A darker shade of magic by @veschwab and The Inexplicable logic of my life by Benjamin Alire Saenz and I'm pretty dissapointed. Aristotle and Dante is one of my all time favorite books I loved every single sentence but this one is average (but after 33% it's better). I can't connect with any character and I don't like Sam. But I like relationship between main character and his father. #books #booktower #book #read #reading #challenge #bookstagramchallenge #bookstagram #kindredspirits #rainbowrowell #irondruidchronicles #kevinhearne #theretributionofmaradyer #michellehodkin #landofstories #chriscolfer #thewishingspell #unspeakable #fangirl #landline #poisonstudy #mariavsnyder #attachments #eleanorandpark #mariotovidedici #marjaholecyova #tellthewolvesimhome #carolrifkabrunt #carryon
Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Martina (@mata.books),

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Martina (@mata.books),

#fanaticalbirdmarch day 31: Wrap up 💭 What's the best book you read this month? So, this is actually half of books I read this month but rest of them I had in ebook. Here's complete list: More than this - 4/5* An Ember in the ashes - 3,5/5* Brown girl dreaming - 4,5/5* Caraval - 4/5* The Night circus - 5/5* (But it's actually more like 50/5* ❤) Where the sidewalk ends - 3/5* The Nightmare before Christmas - 4/5* The Inexplicable logic of my life - 2,5/5* The Hate u give - 3,5/5* A Darker shade of magic - 3/5* #wrapup #march #books #book #read #reading #morethanthis #patrickness #anemberintheashes #sabaatahir #browngirldreaming #jacquelinewoodson #caraval #stephaniegarber #thenightcircus #erinmorgenstern #wherethesidewalkends #shelsilverstein #thenightmarebeforchristmas #timburton #theinexplicablelogicofmylife #benjaminaliresaenz #thehateugive #angiethomas #adarkershadeofmagic #veschwab #bookstagramchallenge #challenge #bookstagram
Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Martina (@mata.books),

A na záver... s Aďkou sme sa tento mesiac rozhodli spraviť vlastnú challenge a ak sa rozhodnete zapojiť, budeme moc radi :)

2 komentáre:

  1. Musím říct, že ta vaše challenge na květen se mi hrozně líbí! Jen zapojit se bohužel nemůžu, protože po ruce nemám tolik knih. Ale jestli vymyslíte něco třeba i na červenec či srpen, tak se mnou počítejte! :)

    1. Ďakujeme <3 Škoda, že sa ti nedá zapojiť :/ Ale zatiaľ rozmýšľame nad júnovou a či bude aj júlová/augustová, je zatiaľ vo hviezdach :)


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